Lovely Bayani is back from shore leave in Haiphong and checks in briefly with Jessamyn the following morning. We learn more about her relationship with Shun and Shantrelle in this installment, under the "Novels" tab which contains all the installments I have posted so far. We also learn more about Lagac and Lovely's relationship with him. It isn't what you might have expected. That's part of the fun in "pantsing" instead of "plotting" a story. Your characters take you places you wouldn't have imagined.
The dreamcats are back in the next installment and, in the one after that, we learn the name of Jessamyn’s deceased husband and more about her earlier life with him.
I hope you enjoy this installment of Transit. Thank you for reading my work and supporting me on Substack with your free subscriptions, the only kind currently available unless I include those few kind souls who have pledged paid support in the nebulous future. I'm not planning to tuck any of my work behind a paywall just yet. There's much more to come but if you want to read the entire novel now, it's available here in both paperback and eBook versions.
Under the “Short Stories” tab, you'll find a couple of pieces from Grandmother's Devil & Other Tempting Tales as well as some stories that will be included in an upcoming anthology next year. Grandmother's Devil is available in paperback and eBook formats.
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