In Installment 30 of Transit, Lovely regales Jessamyn with the secrets of her family tree, replete with witches, cannibals, and headhunters. We learn the secrets of the crude tattoo decorating her pelvis that so fascinates Jessamyn, the sacred serpent eagle, and the history of the magical agimat Lovely never removes from her neck.
The agimat's a powerful talisman with the power to kill, having been fashioned from the from the gold fillings and pectoral cross belonging to Father Ignacio de Jesús, who abused the villagers of the Northern Cordillera before the Spanish colonizers were driven from the Philippines. The agimat rattles with fragments of the vile priest's teeth, removed from his skull and smashed into bits after he tried to escape but was dragged back to the village and beheaded. Or so Lovely has been told by her ancestors.
Jessamyn touches the agimat at Lovely's urging but, because she is a “thirsty soul,” a "quester," Lovely explains, she suffers no ill effects. Lovely finally fesses up that she never thought the agimat was really all that dangerous. She tells Jessamyn some of her friends have touched it and are still walking around alive and well. Still, it's a good story.
I hope you will agree that Transit is a good story as well.
There is good news for subscribers to my Substack this week: Transit is now live and available for purchase from Amazon here. It will be available soon through IngramSpark which distributes to Barnes & Noble and your favorite independent bookstore worlwide. An eBook is in process.
But for a limited time, as they say on TV, I have an even better deal for you.
Send me an email ( with your name and physical mailing address asking for a complimentary copy and I will send you one. If you're new here and haven't yet subscribed to Marty Writes Stories, subscribe now and contact me as above to get your free copy of Transit.
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When you receive your free book, I would be grateful if you would read Transit and let me know what you think. If the spirit moves you, it would be wonderful if you would mention the book on your Substack, post a brief review on Goodreads and/or Amazon, and point other readers my way. But no obligation.
For the present, I will continue to serialize Transit and post other writings as well. I have no immediate strategy for pay-walling any of my work on Marty Writes Stories. I appreciate so much that you are here, supporting me, and if you see fit to recommend my Substack or encourage a friend to subscribe, that would be lovely. If you want to pledge your support for my work, you can do that as well under the subscription options.