It’s on to Chapter 9 of Transit with MV Andaman Pearl still in port in Manila. The business with the Agarwals and the Port Police has been put to rest. As Dr. Jessamyn Quilter catches her breath in her stateroom, someone slips an envelope under her door with a formal invitation to a recital by the captain’s daughter to be held on the morrow in the ship’s opulent saloon, once the ship has left port. The ship will be headed toward Vietnam, trying to dodge the worst of Typhoon Kaala.
Moments later, the second officer, Eric Reyes, pays Jessamyn a visit. Over a bottle of Screw Kappa Napa merlot, she screws up her courage to confront Eric with the risky behavior among the containers she observed between Eric and the handsome junior deck officer. Was black magic or jinn possession to blame? Nope!
It’s my plan to post one more episode of Transit for your enjoyment next Sunday and then I’m off for three weeks on a much fancier ship than the Andaman Pearl. I’ll likely try my hand at a little travel blogging for a change of pace. And when I return, I plan to rush full-tilt boogie towards release party for the finished novel. But never fear. I plan to post more of the story of the murderous Dr. Jessamyn Quilter and her headlong rush toward her dark night of the soul. There will be exciting characters both natural and supernatural along her path.
Everything’s still free, so enjoy! And please subscribe to “Marty Writes Stories” if my work appeals to you. Invite your friends. Thank you immensely if you are already already supporting my work with a free subscription.